It's a tough time out there.
Daily we see on Twitter that many of our journalists friends have been laid of (deja vu) and now going freelance.
Complicating the everyday operations of media is that now everyone is working from home, even producing their own news segments from their personal living room.

We're not in a 24/7/365 news cycle any more. We're in a minute-by-minute news cycle and media are busier than ever, which makes it hard to cut through the clutter of hundreds of daily email pitches.
To top it off, press releases are becoming the things of yore. Sure, they help with search and driving some traffic to your website, and investors like them, but the art is in the story pitch. A brief and yet compelling pitch that triggers interest to learn more about your story. And, it's always all about your story.
Be searchable and discoverable: Today's world revolves around search and PR can play an important part of that search to build credibility with both customers and media. And it's not just media stories, it's using website content, online newsroom, social media, videos and infographics to grow your online presence that can make it easier for journalists to find you, your business, product or service.
That's why we decided to create a better way for companies to generate news stories for their businesses, services or products, while strengthening our community of journalists.
We created a unique and easy way for media to collaborate with PR folks, like us, on stories - get new story ideas and expert sources.

My Story Source is a free, private Facebook Group and live Twitter news pitch feed connecting PR/comms pros, experts and small businesses with media and journalists in need of fresh story ideas, experts, and news.
By collaborating, we're helping everyone in the chain - media outlets, journalists, reporters, freelancers, producers, PR pros and independents and the businesses - often small - that they represent.
If you think you can't afford a publicist, read this, buy this and pitch your story idea for free @MyStorySource.