At Cascade we always strive to provide the best, most customized experience for our clients who come to us from every category, every industry. Our goal is to tell stories - YOUR stories - the best we can across every platform and channel to drive awareness and sales.
As a top PR agency, every client brings its own unique challenges and we thrive on solving those challenges to present new opportunities. New opportunities often times our clients haven't thought of as a possibility.
So, when we receive honors for our work we're thrilled. No ecstatic because it reminds us that the path we've taken as a PR and marketing communications agency is the right one. And, we have our clients to thank for it.
That's why when we recently learned that we received another honor, a nationwide one, we shut down that voice inside that tells us not to tout it. Not to shout it out and let others know that our Story Agency model is thriving. Our secret sauce is the right one and it's working for our clients.
Earlier this year, named us one of the Top PR Firms in Chicago. And now, thanks to Clutch, we've received another honor as one of the Top B2B Companies in the U.S, as well as in Illinois. It's a strong list and we're always proud to be included alongside so many companies that we have respect for.

We will soon enter our 20th year of business and service to small to mid-size businesses and startups. It's going to be a sweet Anniversary, most likely celebrated over Zoom!